
Carl Hahn (& Sohn)  /  Emil Lüdke (G.m.b.H.) vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn
Leutrastraße 112 & Johannisstraße 8, Jena. Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (now part of the State of Thuringia) / also a branch in Munich, Bavaria.
Porzellanmalerei, Studenten-Utensilien- u. Couleurband-Fabrik, Kunstgewerbliche Anstalt.  
Porcelain decorator, student gifts & regalia & colour ribbon fabrication plus commercial art centre.
Founded by Carl Hahn in 1842, eventually becoming Carl Hahn & Sohn. Their shop was located at Leutrastraße 112, but at some point either they or
Emil Lüdke, moved the business to the next street, Johannisstraße 8, (now known as the north side of Eichplatz). 
Carl Hahn or his son claimed it to be
"Die grösste Studentenrequisiten-Fabrik Deutschlands" / "The largest fabricator of student's gifts & regalia in Germany".

Ernannt: Grossherzoglich Sachsen-Weimar. und Herzoglich Sachsen-Altenburg. Hoflieferanten, c.1881-1882.

Appointed: Supplier to the Courts of the Grand Duke of Saxony-Weimar and the Duke of Saxony-Altenburg, c.1881-1882.
The business was purchased by Emil Lüdke between 1888 & 1890. The Munich branch had been purchased by A.C. Diessl by 1900.
Last known date was around 1937.


Carl Hahn & Sohn / Emil Lüdke vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 1Student stein "Armenia sei´s Panier".
Emil Lüdke 5E. Lüdke student stein lid, dated 1891. (Curly "L")
Emil Lüdke 3 E. Lüdke touch mark on student stein lid.
E.Ludke 1 Artist's signature on featured stein. (Curly "L")
Carl Hahn & Sohn / Emil Lüdke vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 11-5-8-2 1931 Catalogue cover
Carl Hahn & Sohn / Emil Lüdke vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 11-5-8-1Inside sheet of catalogue on the left,  showing founding date of 1842.
Carl Hahn (& Sohn) / Emil Lüdke (G.m.b.H.) vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 17--1-12-1 Beiblatt der Fliegenden Blätter, Nr. 3519,  erstes Blatt, 138. Band (138th volume)  München, den 3. Januar 1913.
Carl Hahn & Sohn / Emil Lüdke vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 06 Student stein "Euphonia sei´s Panier", dated 1910. N.B. In this case the "L" is straight.
Carl Hahn (& Sohn) / Emil Lüdke vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 13-4-11-2"Zofingia sei's Panier""Patria Amicitia Scientia"Unusual student relief stein.
Carl Hahn (& Sohn) / Emil Lüdke vormals Carl Hahn & Sohn 13-4-11-1 Basemark signature on student relief stein above.
Emil Lüdke 4 Another signature. In this case the "L" is again straight.

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