Thomas H. Schmid

Theodor Schmid
Dachauerstraße 99, Reifenstuelstraße 10/11, Arndtstraße 1 & Müllerstraße 44, Munich. Bavaria.
Glas und Porzellanmalerei. / Glass & Porcelain Decorator
Known dates: c.1899 - c.1937
Steins designed by:
Franz Ringer
Purchased stein bodies from: Johann Peter Thewalt, Merkelbach & Wick
Mark Durban  Phoenix
Theodor Schmid 20-2-20-2! litre stein by Johann Peter Thewalt.
Theodor Schmid 20-2-20-1Impressed JPT together with the ink stamp TH. Schmid basemarks on the above Johann Peter Thewalt stein.
Theodor Schmid 07Student stein, decorated at Reifenstuelstraße 10./11.
Theodor Schmid 06Featured student stein's lid insert,  decorated at Reifenstuelstraße 10/11. 
Theodor Schmid 6Artist's signature on Merkelbach & Wick stein,  dated 1899. Decorated at Dachauerstraße 99.
Theodor Schmid 15-11-2-4Transfer and hand painted stein dated 1903.The design was originated by Franz Ringer.
Theodor Schmid 15-11-2-3 "44. HAUPTVERSAMMLUNG DES VEREINS DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE 1903 MÜNCHEN HB"  44th General meeting of the association of German engineers 1903, Hofbrauhaus München Lid on above featured stein.
theodor Schmid 15-11-2-2 Basemark on above featured stein.
Johann Lindner 4 Cast mark by Johann Lindner, identical to the one on the underside of the pewter lid of the above featured stein.
Theodor Schmid 19-10-7-1 Theodor Schmid. Porzellan und Glasmalerei.  Reifenstuelstraße 10/11, München. This mark shown on the underside of a set of  six identical steins, each fitted with an ornate  pewter lid and a pewter pedestal base, but with different tableaux by the same artist.
Thomas H. Schmid 2 Ink stamped at Müllerstraße 44
Theodor Schmid 19-1-7-21 litre, Munich Maid mounted on a Ram, stein body by Merkelbach & Wick
Theodor Schmid 19-1-7-1Basemarks on 1 litre stein above, Inked signature of artist's name and address at Arndtstraße 1, plus impressed Merkelbach & Wick roundel.
Theodor Schmid 15-6-11-1Zur Erinnungen an der 19th Deutschen Malertag. Munchen 1905.To the remembrance of the  19th German painter's day. Munich 1905.
Thomas H. Schmid 3 Ink stamped at Müllerstraße 44, as per the stein above.

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