Adolph Stockhamer

Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer
Vierthalerstraße 3, Franz-Josefstraße 26, Sigmund-Haffnergasse 6, Salzburg, Austria.
Porzellanmalerei und -photographie, Porzellan- und Glasmalereien / Hand painting and photo transfer onto porcelain, Porcelain & glass decorators.
The Stockhammer family who originated from Ried (Innkreiss) consisted of the father Andreas and his three sons, Adolf, Karl and Otto. They were all listed as merchants. It would appear that whilst Karl stayed in Ried with his father, Adolf and Otto moved to Salzburg and opened their business in Vierthalerstraße 3, in 1898. Andreas died in April 1919. Meanwhile on March 1st of the same year Adolf and Otto separated their partnership into two separate entities. Adolf took over production of the arts and crafts workshop, which included the glass and porcelain decoration and the photography for producing transfers, based in Vierthalerstraße 3, together with detail work based in Siegmund Haffnergasse 6. Otto in turn was responsible for sales and the shop area at Vierthalerstraße 3, until his death in November 1934. The company was last listed with Adolf having three employees and two round ovens for curing glazes at the above address, according to the contemporaneous publication: Adressbuch der Keram-Industrie of 1937. Adolf had already died in December 1936. They advertised both day to day and luxury goods for kitchen and household in hotels, cafés, guesthouses and private homes, also photographically decorated porcelain, with workshops in Vierthalerstraße 3, offices in Franz-Josefstraße 26, and shop & showrooms at Sigmund-Haffnergasse 6. Owners still listed as Adolf and Otto Stockhammer. With Adolph dying in 1936, presumably with his business still at Vierthalerstraße 3, It must be assumed that the new owner, Fritz Gruber must have been working for Adolf Stockhammer from a separate address ie. Auerspergstraße 55, which was only a three minute walk.
Purchased steins from: Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach  Haas & Czjzek 

Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 20-3-4-5Brauerei Noppinger Oberndorf 300 year Centennial. Villeroy &  Boch - Mettlach dated 1930.
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 20-3-4-4Villeroy &  Boch - Mettlach, above, dated 1930. Unusual Adolf Stockhammer signature.
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 15-11-16-31 litre brewery stein, Stieglbräu of Salzburg 1492 - 1926Also sold by Rasper & Söhne of Salzburg
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 15-11-16-1Adolf's base mark on above stein, dated 1926. In old German handwriting, e.g. Kurrentschrift, the macron (dash) over the "m" in the above signature, translates as "mm" in modern text; hence "Stockhammer"
Gebrüder Stockhammer 20-1-11-1 The split in the brother's area's of responsiblity in the two new companies, from March 1st 1919. 
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-2Brewery stein from the Guggenthaler Brewery, of Salzburg, dated circa 1910
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-1 Gebrüder Stockhammer ink stamp on the base of the Guggenthaler Brewery stein.
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 15-6-8-2 Gewidmet vom Verein "Selbsthilfe" unsern Gründungs-Mitglied   1917-1929 Dedicated to our "Self Help" Association Founding member 1917-1929  Stein manufacturer Haas & Czjzek of Chodov,  (A suburb of Prague), Czechoslovakia.
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 15-6-8-1 Otto's basemarks on the above stein, which include the decorator Otto Stockhammer and the stein manufacturer Haas & Czjzek of Chodov, Czech Republic.
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-4 Cast pewter lid on the stein, left, with the motto  ERZHERZ KAMMERLIEF** BRAUEREI GUGGENTAL **Abbreviation for Erzherzöglicher Kammerlieferant. One rank down from KuK Hoflieferant
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-3 Cast Gebrüder Stockhammer on the underside of the lid on the Guggenthaler Brewery stein.
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-7  Zipfer brewery in Zipf, Upper Austria.
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-8 Ony known Otto Stockhammer signature. on Zipfer brewery stein  The Zipfer Bräuhaus is located in Zipf, Upper Austria.
Adolph Stockhamer 1 Adolf's Ink stamp on Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach brewery stein. Matttighofner Brewery, Mattighofen, Austria.  Brewery dated between 1550 - 1975. In old German handwriting, e.g. Kurrentschrift, the macron (dash) over the "m" in the above signature, translates as "mm" in modern text; hence "Stockhammer".
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 20-3-4-3Kloster Mülln 1907, with impressed mark of "Gebrüder Stockhammer Salzburg".
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 20-3-4-2"Kloster Mülln Salzburg" lid on the stein above.
Adolf Stockhammer. Otto Stockhammer. / Gebrüder Stockhammer 20-3-4-1 Kloster Mülln 1907, with impressed mark  of "Gebrüder Stockhammer Salzburg".
Adolf Stockhammer 14-10-31-1 Augustiner Bräustübl - Mülln, Salzburg
Adolf Stockhammer 14-10-31-2Otto Stockhammer's impressed mark on the base of the featured stein, above.
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-6Brewery stein from the Kaltenhausen Brewery, nr. Hallein, KB Kaltenhauser Bier. Dated circa 1920.
Adolf Stockhammer.20--2-11-5The Otto Stockhammer print stamp on the base of the KB Kaltenhäuser Bier stein, above

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